Revival in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Revival in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Dear pastors Rodney & Adonica, My wife and I would like to be web members of your church. We watch online every service, and we are so blessed by your ministry. We found out about you in 1995, when a Canadian pastor brought to Russia (where we used to live) a few video tapes. These tapes were a great instrument in our bible school and also seed in our hearts. Next year we moved to America and visited your meetings in Vancouver, Canada. We have never experienced so much freedom before. This freedom is the reason why we want to be on your campmeetings again and again. Thank you for your teaching, thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to do work in people’s hearts. We can say with full confidence, that your ministry changed our lives. Thank you so much!!! Please consider us as part of The River Church.

Sunday night (last night) I worked the phone bank prayer lines, and really saw Gods hand moving through my prayers “which really encouraged me. I had thought I’m not ready, but then I heard Pastor Rodney’s voice in my ears: you will never feel ready. You just have to obey Some of the reports from those I prayed for: I’m shaking so hard I can hardly hold the phone, I’ve never shaken like this (prayer for various family / personal issues).. I feel the fire of God all over my body I’m on fire (requested prayer for fire). I feel tingling in my feet, and normally I only feel pain there (woman in nursing home with MS, unable to walk “prayer for healing). Such a blessing to know it was not about me “ I just had to be an instrument to pray most of these folks were very hungry“ and just needed someone to pray for them. One man told me: I’m on my knees, my hands are raised, I’m ready for you to pray I made special note of this hunger in his heart as I prayed After one call where the caller really got touched the Holy Spirit hit me and I was shaking and weeping all through the next call. Most of the operators were hit during this time. I was so honored to be used in this way. Several men called who were older, who had been on fire for God years ago, and wanted it renewed I did not have to pray with any of them for salvation I did check with a couple of them directly (that I could not clearly tell from their prayer request):care you born again? If you died now do you know you would go to heaven?, they all knew the Lord. Several older women called with various health & family issues. One of these ladies especially touched me. I slipped into tongues at one point while praying with her, for the Lord was showing up so strongly on her (and on me). Then she asked if she could ask for more prayer and I said definitely Then she asked to be able to speak in tongues better I speak a little in tongues, but not as good as you. (I know its not a matter of goodness, but I knew what she meant). So I prayed for even new languages“ new tongues “ and I could hear her weak voice raising up in renewed vigor as she started praying stronger and stronger in tongues At the end she said: “your prayers touched me so This experience took me personally to a new level of being prepared to “pour out” to others.

Andrey & Marina M
Kent Washington United States

Revival in Vancouver, BC, Canada | Jon Ragnar G Testimony

Revival in Vancouver, BC, Canada

I like to thank God ,up in the GLORY where he lives ,couse he restored me and my vife thru your tv-satelit sendings. I am grateful towards our creator ,how HE use you , Pastor Rodney and Angelica ! It is wonderful to wach you , and may GOD bless you and your ministry MIGTILY , i am sadly a poor man and are in dept here and there , and have not food to eeat .Lost have i our child ,when the childprotection took the child from us …. Pray for our situation , as ve thank him for the situation ! ! ! The devil and satan has tryed somany times couse he NOW THE PURPUS OF GOD TOWARD ME NDMY IFE .He may kilme but not my soul ,or my vifes or childrens soul….. Rodney GOD amy put in your hart to do somthing ,couse i belive that he will do so …But do it only by HIS command! God Bless From Jon and EBERE from the Blessed willage of Nkwerre in Ighbo land ,In Norway.

I have been sick since January and I was in the hospital and in a rehab and was suffering with migraines and leg pain and was on anti-depressants. I was medication for pain and was depressed. I was totally 100% healed, mind and body at the camp meeting. No more pain. I through away the medication. and I am on fire for God once again. I was saved in Revival and that is all I know. Then I lost my dad, in June of 2006, I put my son in Teen Challenge, Our draught is in Iraq and I got sick in January and became very discouraged. My best friend moved to the Tampa to go to the school and I have been alone and I have been waiting on God and to see this nation shaken and to see revival come but things got in the way and I was giving up. But during the camp meeting and being in the anointing I was set free and the Lord spoke to me to come to school but my husband said to prepare to come for next year because we still have one more son left in his final year in school and a house. So I am waiting on God and going out to win souls. I am on fire and listen to the DVDs from the camp meeting everyday.

I am so thankful to Jesus for another chance. I am excited to see what He will do with me and I am preparing for whatever He wants. Thanks for keeping the Fire going so we can come! Also I have seen breakthroughs already in my finances since I have been home. I have been a partner and have sown but I have been out of work and when I came to the camp meeting I sowed in the offering money I did not have. The Lord is already blessing me back and I know I fill fund one of the crusades! I will be blessed to be a blessing. I came home and opened up an account for the end time harvest with $5.00 that the Lord said will turn into $50.00 then $500 then $50,000 and so on just like that. I believe for big things. Thank you and God bless you!

Jon Ragnar G
Naerbo (No State) Norway

Great Awakening Tour City #5 Greensboro, North Carolina April GAT | Sheila L Testimony

Great Awakening Tour City #5 Greensboro, North Carolina April GAT

Called to get a free offer, asked the guy to pray with me about a car, He started to pay and then stopped and said it’s already done, God has already made away for the car 3 or 4 days later I had the car!!!!!!!! at Greensboro nc got toally delivered from depression, also the lady at one of your sales tables minisrter to me there. what she spoke over me is already beginning. she said by next April, i wouldn’t believe were God was going to take me. Praise God for your I would love to work in God’s presence like that all the time!!!!

There were three women from South Carolina who attended the awakening tour. They testified that they saved their maid at the hotel. On the last day of their departure; Friday…the maid was rushing to the hotel to say goodbye to them. She was speeding and a state trooper stopped her. He asked her to get out of the car. She asked if she could get something out of the trunk. He said “yes” which is unconventional for them to do. She got out a soul-winning pamphlet and lead him to Christ right there. He was so excited he forgot to write her a ticket. In Indiana, a state trooper was shot and killed for stopping to help someone along the road. One wonders if anyone had read him a soul-winning pamphlet! We often visit the prisons to save souls but often forget those who put them there for our protection. May we never forget the defenders of our country…both abroad and at home? Thanks to three women. and the one ministry who gave them a winning souls script; this trooper and others will never have to worry about the enemy outside when the “Greater than they” are within.

Sheila L
Jonesville North Carolina United States

Great Awakening Tour City # 22 Fort Lauderdale, Florida | Daisy C Testimony

Great Awakening Tour City # 22 Fort Lauderdale, Florida

May God continue Blessing you all! All my life I have been in church and experienced the touch of the Lord in different ways but never like this. I have never felt so good in my life. The entire week that I went each day the Lord cleansed me within, got rid of anger that I didnt know was there and for the 1st time in my life I finally feel free!! All sadness was stripped away, all the hurt and pain was healed. I was very skeptical at first until Pastor Browne just simply passed by me. I felt the fire of the Holy Spirit fill me and the oil of joy pour out on me. From that moment on I can truly say my life has and will never be the same. I also want to say that since the saturday we went out to the nursing homes to evangelize, I havent stopped since. Our church had been doing it once a month but after that week we now evangelize 3 days a week. And all glory be to God many souls have gotten saved. I have been watching the Winter Conference online and the presence of God just fills the room. I would like to thank the entire RMI group for following and allowing God to you. May the Lord continue to use you all and Bless you greatly. And I promise that the fire which was ignited in me, will NEVER go off again!

We are friends and partners in ministry of your very own Len and Gretchen R. We are being blessed greatly by joining in on your services via webcast and we will continue to do so. We can feel the anointing and the environment of glory at your services here at our very own home, thank you and bless you all the way from Puerto Rico.

Daisy C
hollywood Florida United States